Month: December 2015 (page 2 of 2)

Driving to Florida at Six Miles an Hour

…is how a fellow sailor we met described the Intracoastal Waterway (“ICW”). After our action-packed week visting family, friends, and historical sites in Washington, DC, it took about a week to get back into the groove aboard EXIT. There were days coming down the Chesapeake when we were the only boat that we could see which, along with the cold and rainy weather, contributed to a sense that we were late making our way south.

Reaching down Chesapeake Bay (by ourselves)

Reaching down Chesapeake Bay (by ourselves).

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’Tis the Southern Season

We made it through the first section of the ICW and then sailed overnight to Charleston, SC – all of which Drew is preparing to tell you about in a blog update. In the meantime, here’s a tidbit about Charleston.

While running some errands one afternoon we wandered into a grocery store called Southern Season. It was more of a specialty foods store than a supermarket – aisles and aisles of spices, grains and beans, fresh-baked bread, and so on. But there was no mistaking that we were in the South when we saw an aisle labeled “Cheese Straws.”

And then this:


An entire aisle dedicated to hot sauce and BBQ sauce. How can you not love?




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