Short Post From a Long Island

We’ve been working our way slowly down Long Island Sound toward New York. And to paraphrase Nixon: This really is a long island! Our first big post-non-hurricane stop was New Haven, Connecticut — mostly for the pizza. But as an added bonus we walked through the Yale campus, which, wow. The kids and I were agog. It’s Hogwarts! Also Pepe’s Pizza (especially the white clam pie) was as great as we’d hoped it would be.


Yale Campus


Pepe’s Pizza (white clam pie not pictured)

The next day we tried to sail to Oyster Bay, New York, former home of Teddy Roosevelt, but the wind conspired against us. It was blowing right on our nose so we had to zig-zag back and forth, grinding winch handles over and over again, the boat heeling over 25 degrees or more (this is known as “beating to weather”), but we still couldn’t make enough progress to arrive before dark. So we called an audible and found a cove on the Connecticut side instead.

That day also happened to be our anniversary — our fifteenth! To celebrate we had a gourmet dinner of champagne and … Top Ramen. The champagne was a present from our friends MZ and Micah, who we visited in Three Mile Harbor, and the ramen was requested by the kids (and about all we had energy to make). It was perfect.

Ramen and Champagne

Ramen and Champagne

The next day we limped into Oyster Bay. Apparently our engine thought that fifteenth anniversary wedding gifts are petroleum-themed, because it decided to start leaking oil. Soren and I noticed the stink in the cockpit, and when Drew uncovered the engine to investigate he discovered the turbocharger was dripping aggressively. Yikes. The marina where we moored helped us find a mechanic, who diagnosed a cracked oil feed line (“Thought I was going to have to condemn your turbo!” he said). He managed to find a machinist who could fabricate a replacement the next day — out of stainless steel no less — and by the end of the day we were all set. Amazing.

New Stainless(!) Turbocharger Oil Feed Line

New Stainless(!) Turbocharger Oil Feed Line

Repair work gave us plenty of time to visit TR’s place on Sagamore Hill. It’s stuffed to the gills with elephant tusks, animal skins, samurai swords, and books books books. Looks like it was furnished by a Hollywood set decorator. I can’t imagine growing up there, however Elsa now has designs to remake her bedroom in the style of TR’s eldest daughter, Alice: flowery wallpaper, a dressing table with a mirror, Southwestern rug. Just hope she doesn’t take to riding pigs down the hall, or whatever other shenanigans Alice was famous for. At least not while we’re still on this boat.
Next up, NYC! Can’t wait!

No pictures of Sagamore Hill, but here’s Billy Joel’s Oyster Bay house instead.

No good pictures of Sagamore Hill, but here’s Billy Joel’s Oyster Bay house instead.


  1. Fabulous! A little bit of veuve and whatever works! Happy Anniversary you 2!

  2. Happy Anniversary, great post as always for us armchair travellers! There is a great New Yorker article about Billy Joel which starts off in his Oyster Bay house…nice to see a pic!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I have great memories of your wedding. So glad you guys were not way-laid too long by the turbocharger- hugs all around!

  4. What a uniquely quintessential 15th anniversary celebration! Congratulations. The blend of bubbly and ramen seems somehow perfect. With a stainless steel oil feed line? Is stainless steel the 15th anniversary element? I, too, remember your wedding and how wonderfully exciting it was. You’ve got to be doing something right to be on this adventure as a family in only a decade and a half!!! Can’t wait for the NYC report. Will you moor in the Marina or ??? We’ve had many walks down at that end of the island, watching the sunsets and sparking memories of California vistas. (Also remember rolling down sand dunes at Montauk Point.) When/if you pass the Rockaways, remember that Martin’s early years were with his multi-generational family in one of the big brown shingled several-storied bungalow close to the beach in Arvern / Far Rockaway. Unfortunately those are gone replaced by cement high-rise City housing. Love, Mindy

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