
Recently we acquired a GoPro HERO4, and mounted it to do a time-lapse while we went through the Cape Cod Canal. The canal reminds me of a road, because there is a red/green traffic light at the entrance. Right at the beginning there was a big rainstorm that lasted maybe 8 minutes. The white flashes you’ll notice after the rainstorm is Dad wiping the GoPro with a lens cloth. We made a top speed of 9.5 knots! To achieve this fantastic speed, we had to time it perfectly, so the current shoved us down the canal, and so we weren’t fighting the current. This has been the fastest we have ever gone during the entire trip so far. The time-lapse turned out pretty nicely, even though the battery died before we finished:

Music: “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa” by The Very Best (Esau Mwamwaya and Radioclit)

The next day we did the same thing. It didn’t turn out very nicely at all, because it was very choppy that day, so the timelapse was way too shaky.

Syndicated from Soren’s Realm.


  1. Very cool video, Soren! Great Aunt Mindy & Uncle Martin

  2. Fantastic music choice!

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