
Today I went swimming. Soren and I travelled about 500 yards and back on a paddleboard. I got on it and Soren put his stomach on it and we were both wearing flippers and he kicked on the way there and I kicked on the way back. Then our dad joined in and we kicked around for a while. I kicked my dad and my brother all alone!

I swam all the way around the boat three times. It was so fun. I jumped in with a wetsuit on – it wasn’t too bad that way. Later on, I was about to climb in without a wetsuit, but Soren pushed me in and I was glad because I wouldn’t have gotten up the guts it was soooooooooo cold. Later he owed me a jump so he jumped in and I jumped in too – it was really, reallllllly freezing. Never try it in your whole entire life! If you do, you won’t like it too much     : }

Resting on the mooring ball.

Resting on the mooring ball.

Jumping in. It was cold!

Jumping in. It was soooo cold!

Swimming with Dad.

Swimming with Dad.

Soren before he jumped off the prow.

Soren before he jumped off the prow.


  1. HI, Elsa! What a great time in the water, on the paddle board and jumping off the boat. Wow. You are truly a sea creature! Thanks for telling this story about your fun day. Love, Aunt Mindy

  2. looks like you’re all having a great time! open water swimming is fun! Before you know it you’ll be swimming from Alcatraz to Fisherman’s wharf (or some east-coast equivalent :-).

  3. Elsa.. great post, Sweetie! Fun to read your reactions to the water temps and to your brother’s antics. Clearly you can hold your own! Miss and love you, Nana

  4. Better than jumping into a snow bank after hopping out of a hot tub in Tahoe! You guys are having a real adventure! We are jealous…wish we were there!

  5. Gavin O'Duffy

    August 20, 2015 at 10:46

    Hi Elsa, Soren, we read your blog this morning and really enjoyed it! The paddle board sounds like a lot of fun! I liked the description of the islands and wonder who named them! We are thinking of you all and hope to meet you on your travels later this year. Love from Oliver, Grace, Marion and Gavin

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