Additions to the Fleet: A Naming Contest

Hey Internet,

In addition to our fine ship EXIT, we have other craft aboard too. First is our AB dinghy, which we love:

Aluminum-hulled AB Inflatables Lammina 9.5 seems like a perfect match for EXIT.

Aluminum-hulled AB Inflatables Lammina 9.5 seems like a perfect match for EXIT.

Soren at the tiller.

We’ve heard the dinghy described as the “family car” for cruisers and we expect to be using it nearly every day. We encountered a man driving one of these last night, with the same 8-hp Yamaha engine on the back, and he said he liked it even more than his primary boat.

It’s traditional to name your dinghy as well — for example, Steve at Lyman-Morse named his sailboat “Tyger Tyger” and his dinghy “Chimp.” And we saw a sailboat in Rockport named “Fairy” whose dinghy was named “Pixie.”

So your task is to suggest some names for our little dinghy. We have a few ideas but think we won’t share them so as not to influence your thinking.

We have a few other craft aboard now too:

Soren on the inflatable stand-up paddleboard that we bought off of Craigslist from a woman in Topsham. Elsa on the raft that she won as first prize in a game of “Antlers Up” on her last day at summer camp.

Lastly, we acquired a 6-person Viking RescYou™ life raft, stowed in the purpose-built transom compartment. Viking is headquartered in Esbjerg, Denmark, right near where some cousins of Linda live. It’s a weird thing as it’s an amazing piece of equipment that we hope to never use.

Life raft canister in the transom.

Life raft canister in the transom.

If we see this, something truly bad has happened.

If we ever see this, something truly bad has happened.


  1. dinger |ˈdiNGər|
    US informal, dated a thing outstanding of its kind: by God, ain’t that a dinger!
    • Baseball, informal a home run: he beat the Braves twice with extra-inning dingers.
    ORIGIN late 19th cent.: shortening of humdinger.

  2. Exit was built in France,so name the inflatable Sortie.

  3. Hmmm. “AB”- (prominent Italian flag on that sucker) but how bout Spanish: “Ahora Bajamos”… “Now we get off”, suggested by Natalie… goes with the “Exit” theme… Second choice: “Aqua Bat”.

  4. Hi, all! I had thought of some names for your dinghy. Here are a few: genesis, pathfinder, yacht-tender, GO-boat, dinghy-flingy

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