Hey Internet,
In addition to our fine ship EXIT, we have other craft aboard too. First is our AB dinghy, which we love:
We’ve heard the dinghy described as the “family car” for cruisers and we expect to be using it nearly every day. We encountered a man driving one of these last night, with the same 8-hp Yamaha engine on the back, and he said he liked it even more than his primary boat.
It’s traditional to name your dinghy as well — for example, Steve at Lyman-Morse named his sailboat “Tyger Tyger” and his dinghy “Chimp.” And we saw a sailboat in Rockport named “Fairy” whose dinghy was named “Pixie.”
So your task is to suggest some names for our little dinghy. We have a few ideas but think we won’t share them so as not to influence your thinking.
We have a few other craft aboard now too:

Soren on the inflatable stand-up paddleboard that we bought off of Craigslist from a woman in Topsham. Elsa on the raft that she won as first prize in a game of “Antlers Up” on her last day at summer camp.
Lastly, we acquired a 6-person Viking RescYou™ life raft, stowed in the purpose-built transom compartment. Viking is headquartered in Esbjerg, Denmark, right near where some cousins of Linda live. It’s a weird thing as it’s an amazing piece of equipment that we hope to never use.
August 13, 2015 at 14:41
dinger |ˈdiNGər|
US informal, dated a thing outstanding of its kind: by God, ain’t that a dinger!
• Baseball, informal a home run: he beat the Braves twice with extra-inning dingers.
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: shortening of humdinger.
August 13, 2015 at 20:36
Exit was built in France,so name the inflatable Sortie.
August 20, 2015 at 01:44
Hmmm. “AB”- (prominent Italian flag on that sucker) but how bout Spanish: “Ahora Bajamos”… “Now we get off”, suggested by Natalie… goes with the “Exit” theme… Second choice: “Aqua Bat”.
September 8, 2015 at 17:19
Hi, all! I had thought of some names for your dinghy. Here are a few: genesis, pathfinder, yacht-tender, GO-boat, dinghy-flingy